Yesterday was a wonderful day! I spent the day with my bff crafting buddy Becky! I so look forward to our time spent together. Lunch AND shopping for craft supplies, doesn't get any better than that! You can find her at , there she has several links to finding her artwork on the web, also links on my blog.
I feel so inspired to create today, but I have so many wonderful ideas in my head I don't know where to start. We visited a really kewl new shop yesterday called My Heart's Fancy. Talk about inspiration. It is run by 2 wonderful ladies that are friends as well and they have a little bit of everything. Including craft classes and a once a month make and take class that is free! I can't wait to attend one of those. We had some weather issues yesterday while at this store. A storm came up very suddenly and we thought we would have to leave before we got to look at all of the eye candy, but a quick call home and we were told to stay put, the storm is on top of you guys! Gee, that is too bad we have to stay in such a wonderful place! HaHa. It turned out to be a severe tornado that indeed was very close. We made it home fine and had a wonderful time together in spite of it all.
I promise I will post some pics of my art and craft things soon. Today I must start packing for my trip, so I will leave you with this poem.
New Friends and Old Friends
Make new friends, but keep the old;Those are silver, these are gold.New-made friendships, like new wine,Age will mellow and refine.Friendships that have stood the test--Time and change--are surely best;Brow may wrinkle, hair grow gray,Friendship never knows decay.For 'mid old friends, tried and true,Once more we our youth renew.But old friends, alas! may die,New friends must their place supply.Cherish friendship in your breast--New is good, but old is best;Make new friends, but keep the old;Those are silver, these are gold.Joseph Parry<