So yes, there has been little time for crafting, can't seem to concentrate long enough. Then there are the endless potty breaks between 2 dogs that are not on the same schedule what so ever! The puppy, Chanel, pronounced like the cologne, is doing much better than the 1st day. She is sleeping longer at night, playing by herself more, and has only had 2 accidents in the house which both were probably my fault for not watching the clock. It is very hard to concentrate when you are sleep deprived! But last night, she slept from 9:30 til 3:00 a.m., it was wonderful not getting up every 2 hours. I likes my sleeps! She is a real sweetheart and so far has been very trainable. She was 6 1/2 weeks and 7.6 lbs. when we got her. She is now 9 weeks, don't know the weight but has grown at least 3 inches taller already. So I will leave you with a pic of my current time waster. HaHa
These were taken on 3-21-2009, she has since started losing her baby face and looks more like a lab. What a personality!
Hopefully, the way she is progrssing I should be back to crafting shortly.