Funny how summer takes on a life of it's own. One minute, not much to do, and the next is just swampville. Once we got the fence finished, the garden started producing. We have put up green beans, pickles (4 kinds), corn, and tomatoes. I got 6 custom bear orders all needing to be shipped while my girlfriend from Texas and my sister visited the last week of June. Whew!!
Then we got Chanel fixed, didn't slow her down too much. She is now over 40 lbs. and big. HaHa. This is her favorite afternoon napping spot, and whenever daddy wants to sit there! He complains, but for some reason does't make her move.
The temps have been really high here the past few weeks, so we haven't seen Blue in a while, and have been busy every evening watering. That rain seems to just go around us. We have only had .4" the past month.
It is almost time to start school shopping. I can't believe the summer vacation is almost over. I have tried to enjoy the summer with my daughter as this is her last summer before high school graduation. I thought it would never get here and yet I can't believe it is already here.
I will leave you with some eyecandy from all the flowers I have been watering every day. Enjoy!!