Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Finally!! Beads

I finally got my beads finished, photographed, and listed! Here is a pic of the finished ones listed on etsy and another pic of more drying. Here is a tutorial I found online if you want to make some yourself. They are quite addicting!

This is why it took so long! Every time I try to work on my crafts, Channel thinks it is time to play with her little friend!

Here she is defacing the Yorkie cage one minute and the next, scratching her ear and looking at me like "Whaaaaaat, I was just trying to play with my friend!"

Then 2 seconds later, laying on the rug she also defaced, acting sleepy!

She is now napping on my feet which is good because I needed to update my blog. I did get some beads finished today so I guess I will go pack the important stuff to take with me to the storm cellar tonight. We already lost 2 fence panels this morning from the wind and are expected to have tornadoes and hail tonight! Just another day in Oklahoma.
Have a great day and stay safe!:)


  1. YOUR BEADS ARE FABULOUS!!!!! I can't believe they are so cool! But of course the lovely miss Gina made them!
    After this weekend I think I will be back to normal! I am bushed and will be glad when it is all over!
    HOPE PROM goes well for Jessica!
    Love you

  2. sending hugzzzzzzzzz to you Gina!
    your beadwork sounds so cool, hope Channel is doing wonderful too !

  3. Hi Gina,
    Thank for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment :o) I have added a link on my blog to yours... hope that is okay with you. I love your beads, they are beautiful and the designs/ colors you chose for them are awesome. You have a great blog here and I plan on stopping by to say hello often. Take care,
